Thursday, December 24, 2009



The blog has quite clearly been neglected, so much so in fact that if it never spoke to me I would understand completely. Many marvelous and astonishing happenings did occur in the interim between the then and now. I would relate them to you here, but must decline to do so, that is, the act of shoehorning them all into one post would serve only to diminish them, a fate entirely undeserved. As to the reason/explaination/excuse I offer for my absence, it's like this, there are so many mysterious and enigmatic happenstances involved that I must describe them in the abstract. Were I to choose one word to ascribe to my derelict duty, that word would have to be... Ninjas.

I will however indulge in applying a few choice words to the 2009 San Diego Comic Con. Those words would be blissful carnage, or chaos gerbil, or even flesh torrent. Suffice it to say, it was an utter blast, I both greedily cherish and respectfully fear my time at the Con, and I look forward to next year's with baited, frothy, breath.

I wish I'd seen more movies, there may be a new years resolution there, that is if I didn't liken making resolutions to repeatedly punching myself in the taint. I will endeavor to see more movies, I love them so and I need to show it.

Consider more specifics to be eminent, more posts to be forthcoming. Not a promise so much as a threat, and a dire one at that. You see that naked lady sketch above? That is an indication, a thrown down gauntlet if you will, illustrating how "I mean business".
