Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Easy Breezy

It's funny, this weekend I set aside time specifically to draw, no easy task with my football team in the playoffs (Chargers), a dirty apartment staring me in the face, some Saturday family duties with the girlfiend, and a refridgerator that can only be described as lacking. The drawing did, however, occur. I even had a subject, I laid it out, roughed in the specifics, but it just wasn't happening. I pushed through, sketching and resketching, using different angles and expressions, but I came to the conclusion that it was a no go. The subject, if you're curious, was a scene from the new movie "The Orphanage" (El Orfanato). If you're a fan of horror movies, foriegn films, or have any taste at all, you'll treat yourself to this gem. Anyhoo, Monday night I changed subjects, the results you see here, it came off pretty easy, I had fun doin' it, I learned a bit from it, and I see where I can improve, which, I guess, is the point of this little venture. Hopefully, I'll revisit the orphanage picture, if so I'll certainly post it here.

You'll notice I get a bit spikey when I talk about movies (or anime). Thats because I am a "movie whore". I love movies, old ones, foriegn ones, indie ones, blockbuster ones, cheesy ones, scary ones, funny ones... You get the idea. I figure this blog may be a bit uninteresting if is filled with my artistic musings, or the ponderously dull events of my life, so every once in a while I may squeeze in some movie related morsel. Dine at your leasure.

Just to get back to the picture, it is of course Power Girl. I don't actually read the comic, nor am I particularly familiar with her, I just thought she was an interesting subjuct. Not simply because she has big boobies. Just good 'ol pencil on sketch pad, thus the janky quality of the scan. Enjoy, hope to post again soon. Go see "The Orphanage".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who knew that such a musclie man could draw so well. I WANT TO SEE THE ORPHANAGE DRAWING!!!!!

- E*chan